Holy Cow! Soils


3 cubic yard minimum delivery on all soils


Holy Cow! Soils Offers A Variety Of Soil Products, With Top Quality Guaranteed

We test each product we offer to ensure you receive 100% first-rate soil that delivers the results you expect. You can find organic soil, including potting soil, landscape mix, and the Holy Cow garden mix, each product designed to offer reliable performance. These factors combine to make Holy Cow one of the best topsoil suppliers on the market.

Processed Topsoil

Available at both locations 

Our Processed Topsoil is a high grade topsoil that has been pulverized and screened. All of our topsoil comes from rich, fertile farmland. We don’t guess ……WE TEST our topsoil to ensure it meets the high standards that we place on all of our Soils. Soil samples are sent to the UT Extension Service for an analysis report to monitor the proper amounts of sand, silt, and clay as well as organic matter and pH. Soil tests are available upon request.

Delivery Available. Quoted at time of order. 

Holy Cow! Topsoil

Available in bulk only at Hendersonville location and in bags at both locaitons 

A year round, lush, green lawn requires healthy soil as its base! Holy Cow Topsoil provides the growing media to support the needs of turf grass. This is an organic blend of high grade loamy topsoil, nutrient rich mushroom compost, leaf compost, soil conditioner, and sand for drainage. Holy Cow Topsoil is alive with beneficial microbes that stimulate root growth and assist in uptake of essential nutrients. Totally organic . “Just say no” to synthetic fertilizers that kill the life in the soil! Feed the soil, not the grass. Get your mower blades sharpened…. you’re going to need ’em.

Delivery Available. Quoted at time of order. 

Contractors Topsoil

Available at Hendersonville location only 

Our Contractors Topsoil is topsoil that is dug straight up from fertile land.  This topsoil is subject to have rock and debris as it has not been sifted.  This soil is perfect for a middle layer before your final top dressing.


Delivery Available. Quoted at time of order. 

Holy Cow! Landscape Mix

Available in bulk only at both locations 

Great landscapes begin with great soil! Holy Cow Landscape mix is alive with beneficial microbes that stimulate root growth and assist in the uptake of the essential nutrients needed to grow healthy plants. Our Landscape mix is a powerhouse blend of nutrient-rich loamy topsoil, leaf compost, mushroom compost, pine fines/soil conditioner and a touch of sand for drainage.

The mix then goes through a thermal composting process for heat stabilization, material maturation and microbial inoculation.

Using Holy Cow Landscape Mix decreases water demand by increasing water-holding capacity in soils.

It is excellent for building new beds. Developed by Southern Nurseries with the highest quality, premium ingredients. Totally organic ! No biosolids (sewer sludge)!

Holy Cow! Garden Mix

Available in bulk and bags at both locations 

Holy Cow Garden Mix is alive with beneficial bacteria, fungi and other microbes that stimulate root growth and assist in uptake of essential nutrients. Our Garden Mix is an organic blend of nutrient rich, high grade loamy topsoil, worm castings, high concentration of mushroom compost, leaf compost, pine fines/soil conditioner and a touch of sand for drainage. The mix then goes through a thermal composting process for heat stabilization, material maturation, and microbial inoculation. Expect a high yield!

Excellent for building a raised bed, vegetable garden, or amending a traditional garden.

Holy Cow! Survive & Thrive

Available in bulk only at Hendersonville location and in bags at both locations 

Developed by Southern Nurseries to ensure that your plants will not only survive, but thrive! Holy Cow Survive and Thrive is a blend of pine fine soil conditioner, mushroom compost, leaf compost and a little sand with mycorrhizal fungi. This soil is alive and loaded with beneficial microbes and fungi that stimulates root development and increases micronutrient availability. Professional landscapers don’t plant without it!
Totally organic! No biosolids (sewer sludge)!

Holy Cow! Potting Soil

Special order only. Call in today to place yours!

Our Potting Mix makes gardening easy! A totally organic blend of high quality ingredients including sphagnum peat moss, worm castings, pine fines, Ecolite, and Biodiversity. This media has been meticulously designed to have the ideal ph, organic matter, and  moisture retention while providing the necessary drainage that your container plants require.  This soil is alive with beneficial microbes that stimulate root development and increase micronutrient availability.
Totally Organic …..No biosolids (sewer sludge)!

RainGarden Pro

Available at both locations 

Our certified RainGardenPro biofiltration soil, or bioretention soil, is engineered to provide the desired infiltration rate, support microbial life and vegetation, and provide water quality treatment to remove pollutants from stormwater runoff. The soil media is a homogenized, uniform soil mix free of clods, stones, or roots. RainGardenPro biofiltration soil is mixed and tested to meet a myriad of specifications depending upon local stormwater management guidelines. Customers must specify the city or county stormwater jurisdiction in order to meet all compliance regulations.

Please contact one of our Stormwater Specialists regarding your stormwater management needs and we will explain how Holy Cow! Soils can assist with completing your project on time ….on budget ….in compliance!

Inclement weather notice

Tomorrow, Saturday September 28th, we will be closed due to inclement weather.